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Gold est un groupe de musique français, qui a connu un succès national dans les années 1980. D'origine toulousaine, il est constitué dans sa formation à succès de cinq musiciens : Lucien Crémadès, Alain Llorca, Bernard Mazauric, Étienne Salvador, et Émile Wandelmer. En 1985, le groupe devient célèbre avec son premier tube Plus près des étoiles. Par la suite, il enchaîne les succès et tous les singles suivants atteignent le Top 10 des ventes jusqu'à Calicoba en 1987. En 1990, le chanteur Émile Wandelmer quitte le groupe à la suite d'un désaccord sur l'orientation musicale future du groupe. Il enregistre un album solo aux États-Unis avec des musiciens américains, mais le succès n'est pas au rendez-vous. Il rejoint alors Mario et Jean-Louis du groupe toulousain Images et forment le groupe Émile & Images en 1998. Après le départ d'Émile Wandelmer, même si le groupe ne caracole plus en tête du Top 50, il continue de jouer. The first consideration when buying gold should be premium. Gold investment bars attract smaller premiums than coins in most sizes due to lower manufacturing costs. If you anticipate capital gains tax (CGT) being an issue then consider British coins. Sovereign and Britannia gold bullion coins are CGT exempt due to their status as UK legal tender. Investors can buy gold online and realise net gains of £11,000 across all investments in a tax year without being liable for CGT. Although larger bars attract smaller premiums, they are not necessarily the best option for you. Smaller flexible units may prove beneficial when liquidating part of your investment in the future. For most UK bullion investors the ideal balance between value and flexibility tends to be 100g bars and 1oz bars or coins and for larger investors, 1kg bars. Gold coins do cost more than gold bars in most cases, but much, if not all of this cost is recovered in their typical sell value. If you prefer to own bullion that is produced by the most trusted mints in the entire world, gold coins are an optimal choice. Gold coins also serve as legal tender in almost every nation in which they are produced, whereas gold bars do not. Whether you are interested in fractional gold coins or several ounces at a time, gold coins will help to accomplish your goals in gold bullion. Gold Bullion Mints There are a number of Mints who produce gold bullion in coin and bar form. This ranges from government run facilities to privately owned minting and refining companies throughout all parts of the world. Most every mint uses their own special designs and implement their own unique security features into the bullion they produce. For example, PAMP Suisse is known for using the “Fortuna” design on almost all of their smaller weighted bars, as well as using the CertiPAMP assay card. Both of these features are strictly unique to the PAMP Suisse brand. A full list of the companies whose products we offer can be found below: Government Mints A government mint is a facility or a group of facilities which are run and operated by a country’s national government. These mints are often used to produce the country’s circulating coinage while many mints today also produce gold bullion coins with high precious metal purities for investment purposes. Listed below are the most popular government mints whose products we currently offer: Australian Perth Mint Austrian Mint British Royal Mint Chinese Mint Royal Canadian Mint South African Mint United States Mint Private Mints Private mints are not owned by the government and are operated independently. Because of this they are limited to only producing gold bullion bars or rounds as opposed to coins. There are dozens and dozens of minting companies located in the United States and other parts of the world. Some of the most popular private mints that we currently work with who produce gold bullion are listed below: Credit Suisse Johnson Matthey OPM Metals PAMP Suisse Sunshine Mint Valcambi Suisse Gold Bullion Prices When buying gold bullion online, one of the most important factors in determining the price of an item is the current spot price of gold. The price of pretty much any bullion product you purchase will be at least loosely based on the metal’s spot value. The price that we sell our gold bullion products at will most always be calculated by using spot price and adding on a premium. A premium is simply the difference between the spot price and the sale price of a gold bullion product. Because gold spot prices change constantly, so to does the price of physical gold bullion.

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